Form Description: Whenever you deal with any type of credit, whether you are issuing it or receiving it, there is the possibility of clerical errors. When those errors crop up, this can lead to problems with the proper accounting of your account, and cause some disputes to arise. If you have a problem with your account, and would like to dispute what your creditor is saying that you owe, then use this Disputed Account Notice to help you out. All you really need to do is fill out the blanks, give a detailed reasoning for your claim, and sign it. Keep a copy of the filled out form for your records, and send one of to the crediting agency. It really couldn't be simpler.
Form Orientation: Portrait orientation
Copies: 1 copy per page
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You can download a PDF version of the "Simple Disputed Account Notice" form absolutely free. You can also, for a small payment, download a fully editable version of the form that you can customize as you desire. (Don't know which format to choose? Here's how to make your choice.) What would you like to do?
Formville's free "Simple Disputed Account Notice" form is associated with the following keywords: credit, business, dispute, notice, account, simple.
If you choose to download the Word version of the form, you can discover more about how to use Microsoft Word at the WordTips website.